السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
According to the Constitution and Bylaws of Islamic Society of Central Pennsylvania, the new Executive Council election day will be on Saturday February 15, 2014. To be able to vote or to be nominated for one of the positions, you have to be a member. The deadline for accepting membership according to the Constitution isDecember 31. This is because the constitution says that a member has to submit the application and pay the membership dues at least 45 days before the election day.
The annual membership dues according to the constitution are:
For students: 12 dollars for individual, 18 dollars for family.
For non-student: 24 dollars for individual, 36 dollars for the family. See the following constitution articles:
Article IV: Membership
Section 1:
The membership of the Society shall consist of Members and Affiliates.
Section 2
a) A Member shall be any Adult Muslim (at least 18 years of age) who has applied for membership, paid the required dues, and agreed to obey the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society. A Member shall be eligible to vote and hold office in the Executive Council or any Committee of the Society. Members’ spouses and adult children are Members if family dues have been paid.
b) An Affiliate shall be any person who is interested in Islamic activities. An Affiliate shall neither be eligible to vote in election nor hold any elected office.
Section 6
a) Annual membership dues shall be initially fixed as follows:
Member (student): 12 dollars for individual, 18 dollars for family.
Member (non-student): 24 dollars for individual, 36 dollars for the family.
Article XI: Elections
Section 2
d) The election day shall be the second Saturday of February. In case of severe weather, the election shall be postponed until the following Saturday.
Section 5
A Member whose membership application was submitted less (than) 45 days before an upcoming election shall have no right to vote in the election.
Attached is the new membership form.
Thank you.
Salman Almoaiqel
Secretary, Islamic Society of Central Pennsylvania
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