السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear brothers and sisters,
Thank you for attending the general body meting last night.
For brothers and sisters who did not attend, we are happy to announce that we had a successful meeting. The brothers and sisters who attend the meeting (the members) were more that half of the membership.
We reviewed the activity report and the financial report. The members approved the financial report with no objections.
The election committee then announced the names of the new executive council with no need for vote because there was only one brother for each position.
The new executive council consists of:
Brother Abdulrahman Abu Murad — president
Brother Muhammad Althuwaini — vice president
Brother Jim Andrews — treasurer
Brother Hussain Shekhani — secretary
Brother Abdulrahman Alolayan — activity coordinator
Finally, the members discussed the current masjid expansion project and provided many good ideas to improve it.
The election committee thanked the brothers of the previous EC who served for the last years and welcomed the new members.
We ask Allah SWT to help the new EC members to serve the brothers and sisters in this community for the new year.
Thank you
Secretary, Islamic Society of Central Pennsylvania
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One Comment to 'New Executive Council for the ISCP'
February 17, 2014 at 12:30 amMay Allah grant them success in their mission