Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Assalamu Alaykum,
There will be a community potluck dinner at 7pm Saturday November 1st. The brothers will be at ISCP masjid and the sisters will be at the Park Crest Community Center (1400 Martin St, State College). Please bring main dishes, drinks, snacks etc.
Another announcement: daylight savings will be on Sunday. This means we will need to put our clock back one hour (cell phones do this automatically). Please be aware of this time change as it changes the salah times, and therefore it is easy to miss the salah by accident.
Because of this change, Fajr Iqamah will be at 6:15am at the masjid(it is currently at 7am). Isha Iqamah will continue at 8pm.
Husain Shekhani
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