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Eid Al Adha 2015

Dear brothers and  sisters, 
Inshallah you and your families are in good faith and health.
ISNA had announced that September 15, 2015(Tuesday) is the 1st day of Dhul Hijjah 1436. The day of Arafah – the main day of Hajj – is on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 and the Eid AL Adha 1436 is on September 24, 2015 (Thursday).
Ibn Abbaas reported that the Prophet said the following about the coming ten days:
“There  are  no  days  in  which  righteous  deeds  are  more beloved  to  Allah  than  these  ten  days.”  (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 2/457)
We will email you soon inshallah with the eid prayer arrangements.

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