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ISCP Election Nominations

Assalam wa alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
On behalf of Nabeel Ahmed, Abdul Aziz Al Thewini, and myself (Zahare Khayat), the nomination process for Executive Council of the ISCP masjid has officially began. You have the ability to fill out the form starting now until January 30th at 11:59 pm.

Access the form by clicking HERE

If you are registered as “family” please send the link to your spouse if they are interested in nominating someone. If you are unsure of your registration status please ask.
If you have any questions please contact me or any member of the Election Committee.
If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out in Google Forms.

Nominations for Executive Council

INSTRUCTIONS TO NOMINATE MEMBERS FOR THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF ISCP:1) The details of the Election process can be found in the Constitution Article XI (Click here)
2) The duties and eligibility of officers are listed in the Constitution Article VI (Click here)
3) Self nomination is NOT allowed
4) Two nominations from different people are needed for a candidate to be put on the ballet
5) Nominations will close on SATURDAY JAN 30, 2015
6) Please click on the Continue button to start nominating registered members for the EC
JazakAllah El Khair,

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