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Assalamu alaikum,

The nominees for election will be;
President – Khaled Enab
VP – Rami Allehu & Thamer Alotaibi
Secretary – Zakariya Khayat
Treasurer – MD Mahbubul Islam & Youssef Khazbak
Activity Coordinator – Nasr Elsaid
The elections will take place tomorrow at 8:30 PM following the Isha prayer. Please come on time as late votes will not be accepted. I do not believe there is a General Body meeting but if there is it will take place after the election and it is up to you if you want to stay. The election will take place at 8:30, votes will be counted, and the new Executive Council will be announced directly after counting is concluded.
The elections committee
Zahare, Abdul Aziz, and Nabeel

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