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Muslims Night

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Every month, there is one night that is special. The Muslims have a gathering that night at the mosque. There are a speech, dinner and some fun activities. The nigh is special because each night there is special host. The host is always Muslim’s society from one country or nation leading that night.
This month the host is Egyptian society in State College. Enthusiastic?😊 !
Come and join us for a memorable night featuring traditional Egyptian food and introduction to Egypt presentation.

  • Event Time: this Saturday after Isha prayer, 9:00 PM.
  • Location: at the Mosque
  • Night Program:
    – Introduction to Egypt: talk for 20 to 30 minutes.
    – Egyptian food Buffet (e.g. Koshari, Mulukhiyah )

For more details and comments, please send or call us now!
Looking to see all of you.