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Contact Info

Year: 2019

Assalaamu Alaikum, Alhamduliallah by the grace of Allah and with the help of some of our dear brothers we have created an app for the Masjid. You may download it to stay bet...

Assalaamu Alaikum Dear Brothers, Inshallah we will be having a Quran/ Arabic class next week for Arabic and non-Arabic speakers. The class will be taught by...

Fajer Azan: [fajr_start] Fajer Igamah: [fajr_prayer] Sunrise: [sunrise] Zuher: [zuhr_start] Aser: [asr_start] Kag...

Assalaamu Dear Community Members, Alhamduliallah all praise is due to Allah! الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات We are very excited and honored to announce that this Friday, September 6, 2019, will be the first Jumuah prayer at our new Masjid: ...

Assalaamu Alaikum Dear Community Members, Alhamdualiallah, we are in the very blessed days of Dhul Hijjah, a time for us to revive our spirits and strive to do good for the sake of Allah. It has been decided that the day of Arafah wi...

Location: C3 Community Center,  200 Ellis Pl, State College, PA 16801.  Click Here To Get Directions Time: Tuesday, June 4, 2019, at 8:30 am....

We are a rapidly growing Muslim community in State College, Pennsylvania. We are the only Masjid within a two-hour radium and have over two thousand Muslims in our community, including students. However, unfortunately we are currently praying and hol...

*Urgent Community Meeting* Assalamu Alaikum Dear Respected Community Members, The executive committee would like to invite you all to attend our urgent general body meeting this coming Saturday, February 23, 20...