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Contact Info

Urgent Community Meeting

*Urgent Community Meeting*
Assalamu Alaikum Dear Respected Community Members,
The executive committee would like to invite you all to attend our urgent general body meeting this coming Saturday, February 23, 2019, from 8 pm. This meeting is very important and your attendance is highly encouraged since in it we will give the community very important proposal regarding the Masjid expansion project. Please make it a priority to attend so we may move forward with our plan InshaAllah. All Muslim of the State College community are invited. Once again, it is very vital that you attend this meeting if you are available since this meeting could play a significant role in the future of our dear community.
Saturday Agenda:
Meeting will start at 8:30 pm.
We will begin with five minutes of Quran recitation
New Project Presentation 20 to 25 minutes
Open floor for questions and answers and discussion.
Please note we will be having a follow-up meeting regarding this important decision the very next day, Sunday, February 24, 2019.
Jazakumu Allahu Khairan.