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We are a rapidly growing Muslim community in State College, Pennsylvania. We are the only Masjid within a two-hour radium and have over two thousand Muslims in our community, including students. However, unfortunately we are currently praying and holding our community gatherings in a small Masjid “Musallah”. Alhamduliallah we have found a building that can accommodate our growing community and provide us with the much needed space for our women and children as well. It will give us the space needed to hold Eid prayer and our community gatherings. This building will also give us the opportunity to have our Islamic school in the Masjid rather then having to rent classrooms on campus. We may even be able to open up a daycare or rent out an apartment at the site, which will provide the masjid with steady income. We have signed the contract but still need to collect around $350,000 in order to be able to complete this purchase.
We are currently in dire need of everybody’s generosity to help fund this important project. As mentioned many times throughout the Quran, any amount donated for the sake of Allah will be multiplied in reward. It is also narrated that The Prophet (S) says that whoever builds a mosque in their lifetime, Allah will build a house for them in Jannah. Of course any amount that is donated towards this project will going strictly to the new Masjid and be greatly appreciated. Please donate generously.