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Contact Info


Assalaamu Alaikum Dear Community Members,
Alhamdualiallah, we are in the very blessed days of Dhul Hijjah, a time for us to revive our spirits and strive to do good for the sake of Allah.
It has been decided that the day of Arafah will be Saturday, August 10, 2019, making Eid Al-Adha Sunday, August 11, 2019. May Allah accept from us all and shower His blessings and mercy on us.
Upcoming Events:

  • Community Iftar on the day of Arafah: Inshallah we will break our fast together on the day of Arafah, Saturday, August 10, 2019, at the Masjid. If anybody would like to sponsor or help sponsor the Iftar Please, contact Br. Nasr ASAP and bring a dish to share!
  • Eid Prayer: Inshallah we will be praying *Eid prayer on Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 9:00 am, at the HUB of PSU (Alumni hall). Takber will start at 8:30 am. *Refreshments will be served Inshallah. *
  • Community activities at C3 sports community center on Sunday, August 11, 2019 from 3 pm to 6 pm.* There will be bounce houses and games for the children and activities for the adults as well.
  •  Please note that Udhiyah will begin on Monday, August 12, 2019, due to the farms religious restrictions on Sunday.We look forward to celebrating with you all and wish you and your families blessed days and joyous times Inshallah.
    Eid Mubarak to the entire Muslim Ummah