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Contact Info

Second Draft of the Amended Constitution

Dear Community Members,

Please take some time to review the second draft of the proposed amended constitution, which has been updated based on comments and suggestions received from the last meeting. The meeting was held on January 18, 2020, and by individuals.

The voting for the amendments to the constitution will be on Saturday, January 25, 2020, at 8:00. It will be organized and controlled by an election committee that was selected at the last meeting.

Please note that some articles will be voted on separately, for example, the terms of EC :

  • A. One-year term,
  • B. Two-year term, or
  • C. Half of the EC replaced every year.

Another example, the strategic plan board will be:

  • A. Two- year term,
  • B. Three- year term, or
  • C. Four – year term.

Besides, it is possible to vote separately on any other matters the community requests or suggests.

Please send any comments or suggestions to the EC email address.

The EC will hold office hours at the masjid from 7 pm to 8 pm today and tomorrow, January 23 and 24.

The following links are the second draft of the constitution and the minutes of the meeting that took place on January 19:

ISCP Board