
Elit duis volutpat ligula nulla a getmolestie mi consectetur auctor ugue ac tincidunt, var ius felis et, augue lorem. Aliquam accumsan fringilla.

Contact Info

Year: 2014


Dear Brothers and Sisters, Assalamu Alaykum, There will be a community potluck dinner at 7pm Saturday November 1st. The brothers will be at ISCP masjid and the sisters will be at the Park Crest Community Center (1400 Martin St, State College). Please...

Dear Brothers and Sis...

Dear Brother and Sist...

Dear State College Mu...

السلام عليكم ورحمة ال...

The first Eid of the ...


Dear Brothers and Sis...

Our Islamic Community Alsalmo alekom wa rahmatullah During the holy month of Ramadan as usual, we provide Iftar to our fellow Muslims every evening . The following link is the sign-up schedule for those families who wish to sponsor an Iftar. ...