The Islamic Society of Central Pennsylvania


Your help is needed!

We are a rapidly growing Muslim community in State College, Pennsylvania. We are the only Masjid within a two-hour radium and have over two thousand Muslims in our community, including students. However, unfortunately we are currently praying and holding our community gatherings in a small Masjid “Musallah”. Alhamduliallah we have found a building that can

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Urgent Community Meeting

*Urgent Community Meeting* Assalamu Alaikum Dear Respected Community Members, The executive committee would like to invite you all to attend our urgent general body meeting this coming Saturday, February 23, 2019, from 8 pm. This meeting is very important and your attendance is highly encouraged since in it we will give the community very important proposal regarding

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Booklets and leaflets about Islam written in Chinese language In the ISCP library, now.

Asslam Alikom warhmat Allah Dear brothers and sisters, Booklets, Brochures and leaflets about Islam written in Chinese language have been added recently to the Islamic Center library. These collections have been reviewed and checked by experts. Every one of us has friend/s speaks Chinese and the majority do not understand Islam; therefore, please introduce Islam

Booklets and leaflets about Islam written in Chinese language In the ISCP library, now. Read More »

Prayer Times

Asslam Alikom, brothers and sisters, Get prayer times for State College and Igamah in the Mosque during 2018 from ISCP website and under the following link: Pryer Times In ISCP May Allah bless your days with happiness, ISCP

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Learning Arabic Language

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Do you want to learn Arabic? “Learning Arabic Language of the Qur’an ” lecture will be Every Tuesday, After Isha prayer ( 9:00 pm) At the Mosque, The class is supervised and taught by Basri Dursun Don’t miss this great chance to work on understanding the book of Allah.

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Muslims Night

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Every month, there is one night that is special. The Muslims have a gathering that night at the mosque. There are a speech, dinner and some fun activities. The nigh is special because each night there is special host. The host is always Muslim’s society from one country or nation leading that night. This

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